In this section you will find all the studies related to Cypriote numismatics that have been published from 1836 to 2014. You can search the bibliography via the search option on the right. 

The catalogue of those entries has been compiled and updated by Dr Anne Destooper-Georgiades, who also wrote a brief evaluation of the important achievements of the study of coinages of Cypriote kings, that you can see here

This bibliography is an updated version of the bibliography on the website of the research project Cyprus Numismatic Project (CNP), described in detail by Prof. Keith Rutter here.

The bibliography has been transferred to the website Kyprios Character, History, Archaeology & Numismatics of Ancient Cyprus, and has been updated and organised in such a way so that in the future it can be linked to the numismatic database (and thus propose papers or books in relation to specific coin types).

Currently the bibliography covers the years 1836-2014 and includes more than 600 bibliographic entries that you can search by author, title or part of the title, year of publication or even keywords. 

As Dr Anne Destrooper-Georgiades mentions:

This bibliography, an updated version of the bibliography on the Website of the Research Project CNP: Cyprus Numismatic Project, includes studies published from the 19th century until 2014. It is aimed at a wide public: numismatists, archaeologists, historians, collectors of coins and anyone interested in Cypriote coinage and what it reveals about Cyprus. The Bibliography is as complete as possible.  It includes older publications that remain important because of their lasting contributions to the study of Cypriote coinage during the period of the kingdoms, even if in some respects they are out-of-date (the identification of mints or the interpretation of coin legends may often be no longer valid).  Other works are listed because they are still referred to in more recent books or sale catalogues. Finally, books of a more popular nature are listed because they are more easily accessible to non-specialists.